FILM REVIEW: Source Code.

Source Code.

This movie reminds me a lot of 'Inception', you really need to concentrate to understand what's going on, for the first part anyways. I would have been VERY confused if I had not known beforehand that the main character, played by Jake Gyllenhaal was army pilot who woke up in another man's body. Even with this knowledge I was confused. Then the plot began to unfold and I understood, at least I think I did. There is quite a complex plot that you cannot miss a single detail of. It's one of those interesting movies where a person lives in a virtual and real world, and you repeat and repeat certain events and each and everytime you learn something new. At first it is thriller, but by the ending, there's more of a romantic feel. There seems to have been an increase in these sorts of movies over the past couple of years and to be honest they're all sort of on the same wavelength: man wakes up, man is confused, man tries to save the world, man succeeds, life goes on. 'Source Code' also loosely follows this pattern. I think movie perhaps had a little more emotional depth to it as we realise what Captain Stevens' (Gyllenhaal) situation in. I didn't know what to expect from this movie, but it was quite good. It is definitely not one of the best science fiction/thrillers that I've ever seen; however, the plot is unique and is different. There are some quite unexpected moments, maybe unusual would be a better word, because it's not the sort of cinematic shock that you experience, more like  a 'well I didn't think that was going to happen'. I realise this is sort of a mixed review, but I am sitting on the fence. There are some good elements to this movie, there are no bad elements, just areas which could be improved.

This movie probably won't be everyone's cup of tea, but if you are interested in the sorts of movies like Inception and Deja Vu, you'll probably enjoy this.

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